Conference Schedule - PGCon 2022

PostGIS family of Extensions

Date: 2022-05-27
Time: 14:30–15:30
Room: Stream 1
Level: Beginner

This talk will cover the various extensions packaged with PostGIS You'll learn what kinds of problems each extension is designed to solve with some live demos.

Extensions covered:

  • postgis - examples of geometry processing, proximity analysis
  • postgis_raster - using raster in conjunction with vector data
  • postgis_topology - cleaning up data, maintaining pristine data sets
  • address_standardizer - parsing addresses into individual elements
  • postgis_tiger_geocoder - geocoding using US Census tiger data
  • postgis_sfcgal - working with 3D geometries and 3D processing

If time available, showcase features coming in PostGIS 3.3


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Regina Obe